پادکست تاک شد پلاس، با صحبتهای آقای امیر رجبی را در صفحه اپیزود سوم تاک شد پلاس بشنوید و لذت ببرید.
مدیر محصول همراه اول - 1 سال و 7 ماه تا به امروز
مشاور مدیریت شرکت اسپاد فولاد - 9 ماه تا امروز
مشاور توسعه کسب و کار آژانس تبلیغاتی و رسانه هنر نوین پارسیان - 1 سال
آکادمی همراه مربی بازاریابی داده محور - 1 سال
مشاور ارشد بازاریابی / مدیر تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها لایف وب - 4 سال
مدیر بازاریابی پلتفرم سکان - 1 سال و 8 ماه
بنیان گذار آی برند - 2 سال
مربی بازاریابی داده محور آکادمی نکست - 1 سال
کارشناس روابط عمومی و مدیر وب سایت موسسه اعتباری ملل - 1 سال
مدیر کارخانه - شرکت پروفیل پایا - 3 سال
آثار و مقالات پژوهشی
Nia, M.G., de Vries, M.J., & Kamp, A. (2019). Fostering more innovative engineers. 4TU Centre for Engineering Education (in press)
Nia, M.G., Imanian, Z., & de Vries, M.J. (2018). Captivities of engineering education: A context-based reflection on the Mechanical Engineering programme at Sharif University of Technology in Iran. European Journal of Engineering Education (in press).
Nia, M.G., & de Vries, M.J. (2017). Technology development as a normative practice; damming as a case study. Science and Engineering Ethics, doi: 10.1007/s11948-017-9999-7 (Q1)
Nia, M.G. (2017). Educating Future Engineers and the Image of Technology. PhD thesis, Deft University of Technology, Delft. https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:9caf6c42-7976-45bd-a709-a53d3ab5ce70
Nia, M.G., & de Vries, M.J. (2016). Models as artefacts of a dual nature: a philosophical contribution to teaching about models designed and used in engineering. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, doi: 10.1007/s10798-016-9364-1 (Q1)
Nia, M.G., & de Vries, M.J. (2016). ‘Standards’ on the Bench: Do Standards for Technological Literacy Render an Adequate Image of Technology? Journal of Technology and Science Education, (JOTSE), 6(1), 5-18.
Nia, M.G., & de Vries, M.J. (2016). The New Zealand Curriculum’s approach to technological literacy through the lens of the philosophy of technology. Australasian Journal of Technology Education, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15663/ajte.v3i1.38 (Q2)
Harandi, M.F., Nia, M.G., & de Vries, M.J. (2014). Water Management: Sacrificing Normative Practice Subverting the Traditions of Water Apportionment — ‘Whose Justice? Which Rationality?’ Science and Engineering Ethics, doi: 10.1007/s11948-014-9593-1. (Q1)
Leading Digital Transformation, Silicon Valley Innovation Center, California
Futures Thinking Specialization, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, California
Learning How to Learn, University of California
University Teaching, The University of Hong Kong
Tackling the Challenges of Big Data, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Managing the Companies of the Future, University of London (with distinction)
Blockchain: Understanding Its Uses and Implications, The Linux Foundation
Gamification, University of Pennsylvania
Game Theory, Stanford University (with distinction)